Many, many things to tell

October 8, 2008 at 4:35 pm (General, novel) (, , , , , , , , , , )

So many things right now to tell that I don’t know from where to begin…

I guess from the start?

I had a planned update for ‘What lies Unborn’ for today, unfortunately this isn’t going to happen for multiple reasons.

First of all, there were some changes in my work schedule today. The good news is that I’m going to actually work less hours, thus giving me more free time to write, the bad news are that until my program fully adapt to this new schedule I’m kinda in the dark regarding when I will have free time to write in the middle of the week (weekends are free so there is no problem there).

Secondly, I got a really bad review for this place and for What Lies unborn. It didn’t piss me off, on the contrary it made me think. This story has started as an experiment from me, I guess this is obvious from the way it is actually written. I really liked the story and where it was going, but from the lack of responses and the bad review I guess it’s not as ‘nice’ as I thought. So, instead of focusing solely on this story I have decided to start again ‘Crescendo’.

But the reason is not only so that I would have something else except What lies Unborn. Crescendo is a ‘normal’ fantasy story, no experimentation, no weird tenses, no weird format. I want to believe that I improve as I write, so this will give me an opportunity to strengthen my writing enough to succeed at what I tried to achieve in ‘What lies Unborn’ at the first place.

On to other matters. There was a massive wipe here. ‘Without a word’ got deleted and so did the ‘removed’ stories. The first one was due to the quality. It was severely lacking, it was a short story of ~1000 words that didn’t manage to communicate what it was about. The ‘removed’ stories got the boot because they had to. I’ve decided to let in this blog only the short stories that I really think that are good so as not to blemish the general appearance of this place.

If you noticed above, I said short stories. Yes, serials and longer novels are cumbersome with pages. I was told that after I had almost half their chapters in pages already. When I started this blog I knew nothing of blogging, I knew nothing of rss, I knew nothing of accessibility, and the main reason I wrote what I wrote was just for the act of it, never expecting traffic. Now that I know that posts are better, I thought about trying that. In order to have each story in a more ‘suitable’ background, I decided to start each one of them in separate blogs. The truth is that I was already doing that for ‘What lies unborn’ and I was pleased with the outcome. So, now that I start anew Crescendo I decided to do so again.

What was really tiring though was the editing of 3 blogs, 1 for the pages here, 1 for the blog itself, 1 for my backup. So to avoid that, and to avoid duplicate material, I’m removing the pages from here.

Now that I remembered… Crescendo is no longer called as such, but ‘Soul of Charoden’

If you had been to the main crescendo page those last three days you you have seen a warning by me. It was speaking of grammar errors and slight typos that irritated me and I wanted to have them removed. Today I fixed the first 3 chapters and they are in their new address. Tomorrow, if I find the time I will add the next two chapters, and after that I will update normally. You may wonder why I’ve split the chapters into parts. I want to see if I can manage 3 updates per week if I make them somewhat smaller. We’ll see how this will work on time.

I’m sure there is something tht I’m forgetting here… but I guess that if I remember it on time, I can just edit.

-Phoenix fades into his shroud

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