Saturday’s chapter +extra chapter (because I can!)

September 27, 2008 at 3:10 pm (literature, stories) (, , , , , , )

I’ve told you that if all things went well, I would be able to post a bonus chapter on Friday night. Unfortunately they didn’t go as planned. On the plus side, I was able to scavenge some time late in the night to start writing the sixth chapter, but drowsiness and tiredness caught up with me, and I had to abandon the idea of an update.

But that left me with a ‘half-done’ chapter. So, today, I finished it, AND wrote another one (albeit both of them are not as lengthy as the previous chapter). I tend to separate my chapters according to the material within them, not according to how many words they contain. So, I couldn’t just squeeze them together and call them ‘chapter 6’.

With the finale of chapter seven, I hope that I’ve given you enough feed to know most of the main character’s abilities, but (hopefully) leaving out massive chunks of how and why, just enough for him to keep a veil of mystery around him. The side-characters as well, have gotten their first chapters too (and in case of Sister Maria, even more) and they are starting to shape up a bit. Offering a glimpse of what they can do and what’s their role in the upcoming mayhem. A mayhem that is evident through our protagonist eyes and mind. What and why it is coming… well you’ll have to wait for that!

As always, I hope you’ll enjoy the story, and feel free to leave a comment now and then to give me too hope that they’re people there that actually read this story!

-Phoenix vanishes in his shroud

p.s. here are the links to the chapters for easy reference if you’ve already read the rest of it: Chapter VI, Chapter VII

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