Stupid machines…

September 24, 2008 at 11:56 am (General, novel) (, , , , )

Well, I was almost certain that I could scrap some free time between work and setting this new blog in order (I still have one major problem, but for that I’m waiting for an answer from the support) so that I would provide you with an extra chapter on What lies unborn, but unfortunately a grand problem arose in the work that I have to personally deal with.

So, until this situation is resolved I don’t think I will be able to provide you with the extra bit (the normal weekend update will continue of course). I hope that until friday at the most I will be set, and maybe, maybe, have some time to post a new chapter.

My new goal, for mid-October would be to update what lies unborn twice per week, and start a new serial with one update per week too. That will make it about three scheduled updates on my stories weekly, and I honestly don’t think that I could pull out more than that.

My only gripe about the above plan is that both of those stories are in infant stage (at least in the writing department) and I’m not so sure about splitting my time in-between them or focusing only one one of them. The thing is that what lies unborn is more of a web novel, meaning that I have a set plot with beginning, middle and end, while the new project that I want to start is more of a web serial, almost completely character driven and without a definite end. More of like a series of plot hooks that help develop an ongoing story, something that I’ve not tried before and something that I would really want to do…

Oh heck… I think that I’ll stick to the plan and see if it will work out, after all, I can always change the update frequency later on, after I have some set data to work upon.

-Phoenix crawls back in his shroud

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