Full circle

You’re slapped to life by tender hand,
to learn the meaning of pain and love.
Opposite sides, or are they really?
When things you learn, shouldn’t you dance?

For times will come where fate is cruel.
Your sorrows grasp, your bitter paths.
Embrace your tears, forget your past,
for only struggle teach how to laugh.

But when life shines, they rays of joy,
always remember to smile with your eyes.
For truly as sun, in mirrored glass,
your light reflects and spreads your laugh.

And morning come, and evening leave,
learn something new, teach something different.
The things you treasure must go to others,
and you’re expected to guard their own.

But always take notice, that this’ a journey,
a train of memories and things you’ve done.
And it’s better to be a cabin active,
than just a passenger that watch life pass.

And when they say ‘Your light is dimming’,
over your shoulder just throw a glimpse.
You’ll see it bright, to those you gave it,
to those you taught and those you smiled.

Your head turn straight and silently walk,
you’re finally here, to your journey’s last stop.
The times you’ve fallen are long now past,
Be proud you willed yourself to stand up.

But if you think you need more time,
you have forgotten one major thing.
You need to cry to learn how to laugh,
how can you live if you cannot die?

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